Comic Artist - Volume 3 2016

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Artist Q&A

Step-by-step: Conveying specific emotions


A tense person will be a little hunched
and have uneven shoulders, because
the body is gearing up to have to either
protect itself or run. The jaw will usually
be clenched and
the eyes wide. I
emphasise this by
making the iris/
pupil a little smaller.
There might also be
a hint of disgust in
their expression, to
suggest their sense
of nauseous anxiety.


Laughter is often involuntary. While
people in the throes of hilarity may
open themselves up by leaning back and
dropping their shoulders, the body will
often sense its
vulnerability and
shield the face and
vital organs with
the hands. The
nostrils will flare,
the fat of the face
converge around the
eyes, and teeth and
gums be on show.


When your character is exhibiting an
aggressive emotion such as rage, the
head and hands will typically be projected
forward. Tendons and muscles will be
tensed and the lips
curled inward to bare
the teeth ā€“ these are
primal intimidation
tactics. Be careful
not to exaggerate
the mouth too far,
though: doing so
can dehumanise
the character.


How can I give my comic characters convincing body language?

Hamilton Maddock, US

Tom Foster replies
Good reference material is a
must when you want to convey
a specific emotion in your
characters, but I often find it
difficult to source pictures of people
emoting convincingly. Stock photography
is often very obviously staged and using
myself as a model relies too heavily on
my own, pitiful acting ability.
A few canny changes in my image search
criteria can make all the difference. For
example, footballers are almost always
either wildly elated or incredibly angry.
This affords a tremendous opportunity
to the student of human behaviour, as
photographs from football and other
sporting events often provide a unique
glimpse of raw, unfiltered emotion. For
subtler expressions, I turn to screen actors.
I try to think of a memorable performance
that conveyed the emotion Iā€™m trying to
relate and seek out screenshots from that
film, or pause the DVD, if I have it.
I try to track down at least two pictures
of different people for each expression.
I then look for the commonalities, to divine
what is universal about how a certain
emotion affects the face and body. Once
I isolate those visual cues, I apply them
to my character.

Your characters have a potentially limitless range as
actors, but utilising it can require a bit of homework.
I used seven photographs for reference here.

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