Comic Artist - Volume 3 2016

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Core skills | Sketchbook Pro


Next, we explain how organising your brushes and tools in SketchBook Pro

and managing their properties will improve your creative workflow

Finding the brushes
The Brush palette is a window
that’s located on the left-hand side of
the SketchBook Pro screen by default.
If you can’t see it, just click the Windows
tab on the main top toolbar to switch it
on. The palette consists of two rows of
many tools such as pencils, brushes,
synthetic brushes, erasers and smear/
smudge brushes. At the top of the Brush
palette are two key icons, explained in
the next two steps.


Explore Brush
The icon on the left opens the Brush
Properties window. Once you select a
specific brush or tool from the palette
and then click the Brush Properties
button, a pop-up window will appear.
This window enables you to adjust the
properties of the selected brush/tool to
your liking. Each brush will be slightly
different, but it’s straightforward enough
to adjust its properties.

Accessing more
brush tools
The icon on the right opens the Brush
Library. You’ll see another pop-up
window presenting every single brush
and tool that the software has to offer.
There are 100 preset brushes and tools
that have been specifically designed for
different types of artists. Take the time
to scroll through all the tools and test
out their properties to see which tool
fits your workf low and style.

the Brush Palette are graphically visual
and easy to identify, which all helps to
contribute to a smooth and user-friendly
creative workflow.
In this part of our guide you’ll learn
how to locate the Brush palette within
SketchBook Pro, how to open the Brush
Properties panel for each brush and how
to organise your brushes to improve your
painting experience.


ketchBook Pro comes with
a variety of brushes and tools
to fit the needs of every artist
or designer of all levels of
proficiency. All the brushes are displayed
in one easy-to-access toolbar called the
Brush palette.
This palette offers all the basic tools
with simple adjustable properties for you
to enjoy working with. The icons within



A. Find your favourites
SketchBook Pro enables you to move
or replace brushes and tools in the Brush
palette for quicker access to the ones you
use. Click the top-right icon on the Brush
palette to access the Brush Library and
locate all the common tools you need.

B. Replacing a brush
Simply click and hold a brush icon from the
Brush Library, and drag it over to the Brush
palette above the tool that you don’t need,
then release. You’ll see that the selected
brush has replaced the unwanted brush and
been placed in the same spot on the palette.

C. Moving a brush
To move a brush within the palette, open the
Brush Library and locate the brush that you
want to move. The process is the same as in
step B: just click and hold on the relevant
brush, drag it over to the desired spot on the
palette, and then release to place it there.

All the

brushes are


in one easy-




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