The Professional Photoshop Book - Volume 7 2015

(Amelia) #1


At this point you simply repeat the previous three steps. Lasso, add highlights
and shadows, and refine the shape. Play around with the downloaded brushes and try
the Rock and Pebble brushes for hard surfaces and the Cloud ones for haze and our
waterfall mist. Don’t forget to use your different painting modes to achieve more
contrasting values. Multiply adds shadow and Overlay/Color Dodge emphasises
brights. Staying with a high opacity, detail the grounds, the underlying rocks, and use a
flat brush with a white (#111) for the waterfalls.


Increase the Hardness to about 60%, reduce the size of the brush, and begin
painting over the general shapes for refining. Lassoing comes in very handy at this
point, as you can define sharp edges and create jutting cliffs in a matter of seconds by
simply painting in your selection. Use your Eyedropper tool (Alt/Opt) continuously in
this step to match the particular area you are painting in. Begin using the Rock brushes
at varied sizes for rock highlights.

Reading each tutorial step may become technically
overwhelming. In addition, viewing the real time video
of the painting and practicing on a blank canvas with
each brush and its different settings is highly
encouraged. Much like in oil painting, it’s not always the
actual brush and paint that make the piece, but rather
your technique.


Since the background is a bit bland at this point, use the Lasso
tool to carve out large rock formations and paint a grey darker than the
sky beneath using a 0% Hardness brush sized at 400px or above. Keep
the selection intact, and paint in Overlay mode towards the top to darken
and in Soft Light to add haze towards the horizon. Now, select the rock
brushes and paint textured highlights and shadows, altering size,
opacity, and blend modes.

Flip the canvas often, as

elements tend to shift in the
direction of your dominant hand


Flip the canvas often, as elements tend to shift in the
direction of your dominant hand. Now that your shapes are more
solid you can select a large 500px Soft Round brush at 0%
Hardness. Change your painting mode to Overlay and, using the
colour picker (Eyedropper tool), spot-select and lightly paint a light
grey in the background, and dark grey in our foreground. Play with
Color Dodge as well to show a bright light source, which in this
painting is beyond the mountains towards the right.

Control tone and colour in scenes

The Professional Photoshop Book 107

104-109 Colour Control.indd 107 06/10/2015 15:37

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