The Professional Photoshop Book - Volume 7 2015

(Amelia) #1
To tackle complex shapes and get a new view of
your painting it is necessary to keep rotating your
canvas. It’s useful for finding mistakes to see
your work from another angle. The new angle


To choose the colours for your painting, always
think what you want from your character; where the
person is at that time, where they belong, what time of
the day you want to show, and how much light exposure
you want in your character. Here we take very warm
colours for the skin and hair. Choose the highlight colour
according to you source light’s colour. Do not choose a
colour that is either too saturated or too grey; try to find
middle-value colours to start the painting.


Let’s think about where the light is coming
from, because it will guide us to place shadows and
highlights correctly. Always remember that the light is
the soul of any painting; no matter how much you work
hard with colour and shapes, if your lighting is wrong
your painting is dead. In our painting the light is coming
from the top left and the exposure is high, so the cast
shadow would be very sharp. This effect is known as
high key in photography, or chiaroscuro in painting.


So from here the fun part begins: colouring!
So to start the painting, we will add the midtone
colours with the brush on FileSilo named Blocking
brush. The brush size should be over 100px with the
Opacity and Flow set at 100%. It’s good to choose a
hard brush with some texture. Do not start the
painting with a round soft brush because it makes


As we have blocked in the face, we will
block in the hair too. But to paint the hair more easily
divide the hair into sections and choose the light and
dark colours according to the light. Here we will use
the brush named Hair Blocking at 70px in size with
Opacity at 80% and Flow at 60%. After that choose
the brush named Hair Blocking Two and lower the
Opacity to 60% with Pressure Sensitivity set to On.
This brush has texture and shape in it, so it will add
more volume to the hair shape.


Eyes are the most important feature of
the face; they speak about the character’s
feelings and much more. To start painting the
eyes, take the brush named Skin and lower its
Opacity to 70-80%, open the Color Picker and
select a very pale light blue-grey colour (If your
character is considerably older than this one,

the painting look sloppy. Do not add very dark or
light colours at this stage. Take two shades of light
and dark from your midtones, and block in the
colour according to the light direction. It can be
helpful to set up a lamp that replicates the light
direction you want, and observe how the lighting
behaves on objects beneath it.

choose a yellow-grey instead). Outline the lower
and bottom eyelid with a dark blue-brown colour,
at the corners add a little reddish tone to it. For
painting the iris choose a dark green colour and
for the pupil choose a dark green-blue colour (You
can vary these colours depending on your portrait).
Last, add a highlight dot.

will detach you slightly from the piece, for a fresh
persepective. You can do this by using the Rotation
tool (R) or just flipping the canvas horizontally or
vertically using the Image>Image rotation option.

Digital painting

112 The Professional Photoshop Book

110-115 Digital Portrait Painting Tutorial.indd 112 06/10/2015 15:36

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