The Professional Photoshop Book - Volume 7 2015

(Amelia) #1


Open the file named Feather from FileSilo and copy it to your painting.
Now place it according to your design. Select the image and copy it in a new layer.
Hit Cmd/Ctrl+T to bring up the Transform box,right-click and select Warp and pull
the handles to give it shape. Select the Distort option to give it more perspective.
Press Cmd/Ctrl+U to bring up Hue/Saturation, check the Colorize option on, and
give the feathers blue and green colours. For the dress, open the file called
Peacock Feather and bring it to your painting, then organise it by copying and
using the Transform tool as before.


Make a new layer at the top. Now go to Image>Apply Image, don’t
change any settings and click OK. It will copy the whole image into a single layer.
Now add a new layer with the blending mode set to Soft Light and paint the lower
and upper eyelids with a green colour to make eyes more attractive. Merge this
layer down. Now create a Vibrance adjustment layer and increase the Vibrance by
+45, softly masking it around less saturated areas. It will enhance the green and
orange colours in the painting.


Copy the Final painting layer, go to Filter>
Other>High Pass and set its Radius to around 1.8 px.
Change its layer mode to Overlay, lower its Opacity by
80% and mask it around the soft areas like lips and
cheeks. Now merge this layer to the bottom layer. Copy
it again and set it to Soft Light mode, and lower its
Opacity by 10-15%. It glazes the painting and make its
colours pop. Play with other settings and make
changes, until you feel satisfied with your painting.

Paint a realistic portrait

The Professional Photoshop Book 115

110-115 Digital Portrait Painting Tutorial.indd 115 06/10/2015 15:36

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