The Professional Photoshop Book - Volume 7 2015

(Amelia) #1

Digital painting

122 The Professional Photoshop Book



Even though vector illustrations are quite clean
when they are first created, you can still add a
retro, aged look with various effects in Photoshop,
which can produce a wonderful contrast in styles.
This is something that Stephen Chan applies to
his vector work: “To achieve the aged effect, I used
scans of old papers, converted to black and white,
set to Multiply at a medium opacity. I duplicated
the original illustration twice and applied Filter
Gallery>Texture>Grain using the Regular Grain

Throughout this feature we have explored the
different ways of using both Photoshop and
Illustrator to create striking vector-based artworks.
However, the key is in knowing which program to
use and when, rather than throwing everything at
a piece of design. Before you begin a new work,
plan the final look and feel, as this will dictate what
is the right method to follow for your work. “The
process I use to create my illustrations varies from
one piece to another. I will use either Photoshop or
Illustrator more heavily on a specific piece,
depending on the intended overall outcome
desired,” agrees digital artist Sam Moore of Moore
Than Design ( “For

setting and applied Filter Gallery>Texture>
Texturizer using the Canvas setting. I set both of
these layers to Multiply and start decreasing the
Opacity slowly until you feel that it looks right
(usually around 30-40% for a really subtle look). I
felt that my colours started to look a bit dull, so I
added a bright orange Color Fill layer just above
the original. I also added a Hue/Saturation layer
and a Levels layer to really make the colours pop
and look more balanced.”

example, if I want the illustration to have a looser
and more natural feel I will use Photoshop almost
entirely, as the options for layering and texture
control are far greater and more useful than in
Illustrator. However, if the end product is going to be
sharper or geometric based, I will use Illustrator for
the majority of the illustration, only bringing the
work into Photoshop for the final touchups. You can
create a very dynamic illustration by using
Photoshop and Illustrator together, if you use each
program for what it is best at. I find that Illustrator is
best suited for complex vector, gradient and 3D
work. Photoshop, on the other hand, excels at
layering, textures and finishing adjustments.”

© Stephen Chan / Coke Asia

© Sam Moore 2015

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