The Professional Photoshop Book - Volume 7 2015

(Amelia) #1

20 expert tips for vectors

The Professional Photoshop Book 123


For working on vector illustrations in
Photoshop, the Adobe Shapes CC app is
incredibly useful. It cuts out a lot of work in
creating custom vectors. Whereas you might
usually take a photograph, import it into
Photoshop and use the Pen tool to trace over it
to create a Path and save it as a custom shape,
the app turns your photos of objects directly into
vector graphics.
To use Shapes CC, you simply open the app
(and sign into your Adobe ID). You then use the

When working on a project that involves both vector
and raster elements, you need to have a system
that works for you to ensure the best quality of
artwork, says Sam Moore. “I always fully complete
the vector work first, otherwise it is very easy for me
to waste time redoing raster work that was
flattened or merged with an incomplete vector. That
is not to say you should avoid experimenting, but
there must be a time for doing and a time for trying
new things. Reaching a successful end product is
the most important goal; figuring out how you best
arrive at that place is an important part of it.
“My personal workflow is as follows: sketch idea
quickly, refine sketch, create vector lines or shapes,
fill lines or shapes with desired gradient or colour,
finalise vector work by splitting into useful layers or
groups, import Vector Smart Objects to Photoshop,
Layer Brush tool and textures, finalise with
touchups and adjustments. Vector work is easy to
get lost in, but a reliable process will result in a
better Photoshop and Illustrator experience.”

iPad’s camera to take a photo of an object. There
is a slider that you can use to change the
amount of detail that you want to include. You
can also choose to display the image as a shape
on a dark or light background. Take your photo,
confirm it and the app will begin to draw your
shape. Hit Save and name your shape to add it
to your CC library.
In Photoshop, open the Libraries panel and find
your new graphic. You can drag it directly into your
canvas and use it as a graphic (it imports as a

Smart Object). However, if you want full access to the
Live Shape Properties, you can convert it to a custom
shape. Cmd/Ctrl-click on the layer’s thumbnail to
create a selection, then go to the Paths palette. Click on
the Make Work Path From Selection icon to create a
path for your shape. Next go to Edit>Define Custom
Shape. This will create the shape that you can then use
as you wish, with the Fill and Stroke options active.

© Sam Moore 2015

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