The Professional Photoshop Book - Volume 7 2015

(Amelia) #1


Create a new layer set the blend mode to Overlay. Select a soft brush with the
colour #54ce81. Now paint over parts of the masks, the cloak and the eyes in order to add
colours to the scene. Use a hard brush to colour the parts of the ornaments on the mask
but use a soft brush on the middle jewel to create the glow. To make it easier to paint
specfic parts, bring back selections from previous layer masks. Hold Cmd/Ctrl while
clicking on the layer mask.

Photo editing

44 The Professional Photoshop Book


Import three different
feathers into the artwork. Place the
layers below the base mask group.
Use the same techniques as you did
when adding ornaments to create
shadows on each feather and on the
mage’s face. Use the Liquify tool
(Shift+Cmd/Ctrl+X) to edit the shapes
of the feather. Use other Transform
tools such as Warp to edit the
feathers further. After positioning the
three feathers, group the layers.
Duplicate the group, go to the
Transform tool, then Cmd/
Ctrl+T>Right-click>Flip Horizontal
and align it on the right side.


Create a new layer above the ornaments. Grab a 4px hard
brush. Select the colour using the Eyedropper tool (hold Alt/Opt) and
click on the original parts of the hair. Paint outside the mage’s face and
make sure to cover up some parts of the mask. When selecting
colours for hair, select up to three different tones. Use dark tones to
paint the base parts of the hair, midtones to create volume and finally
the highlights to react to the light source.

When selecting
colours to use

for painting hair, you
can select up to three

different tones;
namely dark, mid

and highlights

040-045 PPB 007 Master Masks Tutorial.indd 44 06/10/2015 16:02

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