Yachting USA — January 2018

(Barré) #1





Vicem’s six-model Classic line includes the 58 (above), as well as 55-, 64-, 71-, 77- and 80-foot models.



arm. that’s the
feeling I got when I
laid eyes on the Vicem
58 Classic at the Bahia
Mar marina in Fort Lauderdale. The
yacht’s high-gloss mahogany sliding
doors refl ected bright morning sun-
light, highlighting a fi ne fi nish. When
combined with the soft feel of the teak
cockpit beneath my feet, the sight made
the environment cozy and inviting.
A sunshade extends from the hard-

top on demand to cover the cockpit
when the day’s rays become too intense,
and it’s especially helpful when prepar-
ing lunch at the outdoor Bosch electric
cooktop to starboard. Relaxation space
out here is in the form of an L-shaped
settee that stretches along the transom
and up the port side. Just forward of
that settee is a smaller one for two.
With two fi ngers, I pushed on one
of the cockpit doors, and both opened
in concert, revealing an unobstructed


The Vicem 58 Classic showcases trademark craftsmanship and traditional style.
By Patrick Sciacca

This yacht has a three-stateroom,TThiTThhisis ys y ya yacachchtht ht ht has a t haas a ts a ts a ths a ths a thrhrereeeee-sststatatatetererorooooommm,,
two-head layout with a forepeakttwotwowowo-h-hheheaeadad ld l laayayoyououtut wt wt wit with a fith a fth a fh a fh a fh a foh a forh a forerepeppepeakakakk
master. The master has a step-up mmamaaststteer.r. T. T. Th. The mhe me me m maasaststeter her hr h haas a sas a ss a ss a ss a sts a stetepepp-uupupp
berth and split-head setup. Abaft to bbbeertrth ath ah ah ah and sndd sd sp splpliplitit-ht-hheheaeadad sd sd setd setetutupup. Ap. Ap. Ab. Ab Ababafaft tft tft to too
port is the second stateroom withpporpporort iort it is is ts th thehe se s se sececonconondond std std st statatatetereroroomoomomom wom w wi witiththh
bunks. It shares the en suite headbbbuununknkks. Is. I. It sh. It sh. It sht shart sht shaareres tes ts ths thhehe ee en se en sn s su suiuiteite hte he h heeadadadd
of the third stateroom abaft to star-ofof tf thf thf the the te th thihirirdrd sd s st statatatetereroroooomomm am abm ab abafbafaft tft tft to st to so s st staarar-r-
board that has twin berthsbbbooaoarardrd td thd th thahat hat ht h haas tas ts tws twwin bwin bin bn bn beererthrththshss.

Running my hands across the RRunRRuunnniniinngg mg my hg mg my hy hy ha hanandndds ads as a accrrorososs tss ts th thehee
bulkheads and cabinet corners, Ibbulkbbuulklkhkhheeadadadsds as as ans and cnd cd cd cad cababibininet cnet cet cet cet coorornrnenerersrs, Is, I, I I
found the near-fl awless fit andffouffounundnd td the nd thd thhe ne n ne neaearar-flr-flflaflaflawwlwlelesess fiss fis fis fi t as fit at an andnddd
fi nish of the 58’s joinery to be im-fifinfininish oish osh of tsh of tsh osh of tf thf the 5he 5e 5e 58e 58’s j8 ’s js js jo joioininenerery try ty to by to by to bo be io be ie ie ime imm--
pressive. There is something aboutpprepprresessissisivvee. T. T. Th. Thheere ire ire ie is se is ss sos soommemeteththihiningngg ag abg abg aboouoututt
the soft-tone mahogany that creates ththhehe se so sofoftftf t-ttotononene mne m m mahahoahohoghoggagananyny ty thy thhaatat cat cr crereateatattees s
a sense of serenity in the salon, asa sa sea sa senensnse ose oe of se of sf sf sef sererereneninitity ity iy in ty in tn thn thn the she se s salaloaloonn, an, a, as, ass
well as in the staterooms.wwellwweell all al as il as is in ts in tn thn thn the she se st statatatteerroooomommsss.


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