Yachting USA — January 2018

(Barré) #1

main: istock/tr acerouda; opposite: (top) jim r aycroft, (bottom) quin bisset


y charter yacht
cruised around an
outcropping off
Elbow Cay, and for
a moment, I thought I was back
in the South Pacifi c. The clear
water, white sand and arching
palm trees in this part of the
Abacos looked just like what
I’d seen in French Polynesia,
albeit with a fl atter backdrop.
It’s no wonder they call this
Bahamian hot spot
Tahiti Beach; it’s
a better-looking
sand spit than most
of the beaches I saw
on Tahiti itself. ¶ One of the
best things about Tahiti Beach
and the rest of the Abacos is
how much closer they are to
the U.S. mainland than other
winter destinations. I can’t re-
call how many hours it took me
to fl y from New York City to
Tahiti (somewhere between
“my back is stiff er than drift-
wood” and “is there any more
vodka on that cart?”), but I
know it was a lot longer than
the fi ve- or six-hour fl ight from

Manhattan to Marsh Harbour,
with a stopover in Fort Lau-
derdale. The Abacos are one
of the closer Bahamian island
chains to southeast Florida,
making them easily accessi-
ble winter charter grounds for
Americans. ¶ These islands are
known for great sport fi shing
(whisper “Abacos” to a marlin
fanatic and he’ll drool). The
snorkeling here can be good
too. Some of the best
charter yachts that
frequent the area
tow center consoles,
which let charter
guests explore both the
nearshore shallows and the
offshore fishing grounds.
¶ At cocktail hour, take a walk
ashore to Hope Town on Elbow
Cay. Harbour’s Edge has a bar
with all the local favorites —
Bahama Mama, Mango Punch,
Goombay Smash — plus a view
of the harbor’s iconic red-and-
white-striped lighthouse. It’s a
pleasant reminder that you’re
in the Abacos, a place unlike
anywhere else in the world.


NEWYEAR’S DAYJUNKANOOPARADES These colorful, musical bashes
tend to start at noon, fi lling the streets with dancing and
celebration. Join the party in Dunmore Town on Harbour Island, or
in New Plymouth on Green Turtle Cay. BAHAMASGREAT
ABACOSCLASSICFrom January 18-24, the Abaco Club on Winding Bay
golf course is scheduled to host this tournament. Pro-ams
and clinics are expected to be part of the fun.


These northern Bahamian islands always impress.
By Kim Kavin

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