Motor Boat & Yachting — February 2018

(Marcin) #1

What does it really cost to run a boat? Six owners reveal their boating budgets

Counting the Cost


e’ve all heard the jokes about
boating being a good way to
make a small fortune – out of
a bigger one – but is the truth
really as bad as some people
like to make out? We spoke
to six owners who run a wide
variety of craft on relatively
tight budgets. Wherever possible, we’ve kept the costs as accurate
and comparable as possible by converting overseas currencies

to sterling. We’ve even tried to account for annual depreciation
by averaging out any likely reduction in value over the length of
ownership, although a number of owners have managed to avoid
this altogether by buying secondhand boats at keen prices in the
hopes of retaining their value. The results may surprise you. While
we would never claim boating to be a cheap hobby, with a bit of
smart thinking and a willingness to get stuck in on the DIY front,
it needn’t be an expensive one, especially when compared with
the cost of a long-haul holiday, a second home or the plummeting
depreciation of a luxury car.


real life
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