In fighting games, it’s not enough to merely beat your
opponent unconscious. Oh no, you have to really
humiliate him with an elaborate finishing move.
Voodoo Computers applies this satisfying strategy
in its aptly named Envy M460. Part one of the KO
is delivered with ATI’s Radeon Mobility 9600, a full
DirectX 9 part that effortlessly schools graphics chips
from other companies. And then Voodoo closes in
with a deadly finishing blow in the form of Hitachi’s
new 7200rpm hard drive. Hard drives in notebooks
have been a bottleneck for years, so we’re overjoyed
to see a real breakthrough. The notebook itself
features a 2.6GHz Pentium 4M chip, which offers
good performance without killing the battery. Go
ahead, says Voodoo, bring it on. $3,515 as tested,
The counterpunch: With its hamster-powered
Transmeta 5800 CPU, Fujitsu’s P2120 is
the exact opposite of
the Voodoo. However,
massive battery life in
a tiny notebook with
combo drive makes
it one damned useful
machine for folks who
have real machines to
fall back on. n
Voodoo Envy M460
Voodoo’s mean mother of a
portable casts a spell on all who
pray at its pure-power altar.