B (142)

(Michael S) #1
cellphone Technique

Slow it Down

Ambarin Afsar tells you how to make slightly crazy, slightly
trippy long exposures using your good ol’ cellphone.



hen light levels fall, the
first thing you get worried
about is the shaky pictures
that your cellphone camera
will end up making.
Have you ever thought of using such slow
shutterspeeds to your advantage?

Explore the Inbuilt Camera App
First things first, check whether the native
camera app allows you to control the
shutterspeed in any manner. Can you
reduce the ISO value to base level?
Doing so will give you a slow shutterspeed

in low light. Does your phone have a
specific Night exposure mode that either
gives you a preset long exposure, or gives
you control over long exposures? If it does,
your battle is half won.

Look for Third Party Apps
Camera FV-5, a paid Android app, allows
you to control variables like shutterspeed
and ISO, while apps like Slow Shutter Cam
(iOS), Lightbomber (iOS) are dedicated to
long exposures. While a great number of
these apps are paid, it is a nominal amount
(Rs. 50–200, depending on whether you


Better PhotograPhy

The best part about
making light trails
handheld is that other
distracting details get
eliminated on their own.
Shot with: Oppo N1

Invest in a
Gorillapod or a
lightweight, yet
sturdy tripod
so that you can
mount your
cellphone on it
and effectively
do away with
unwanted shake.

cellPhone technique


Ambarin Afsar

march 2015
Free download pdf