B (142)

(Michael S) #1
cellPhone technique

While this looks
like a slow sync fl ash,
nighttime image of
a boy on a swing, it
has actually been
shot on an extremely
overcast afternoon.
Shot with: Apple iPhone 4s

The N1 has a rotating
camera, so you can tilt
it and steady the phone
against a railing or a
wall to get a sharp,
well-exposed image of
a dimly lit area such as
this facade.
Shot with: Oppo N1


Better PhotograPhy


You can make
long exposures in
the day as well.
Dedicated apps
usually achieve
one image from
a composite
of anywhere
3–200 images.
This ensures
reasonably well
exposed images.

buy the app during discount season) and
completely worth all the added control.

Focusing Issues
If you have trouble focusing, look for
pinpricks of light in the landscape, or areas
of the frame that are contrasty. Camera FV-5
will also allow you focus manually.

Looking for Subjects
Tangled shadows on the wall, traffi c lights,
neon signboards, slow sync fl ash at parties
where people are dancing, fairy lights
and other decorative fi xtures at festival
processions and weddings, are all examples
of the kind of subjects you can choose to
make long exposures of.

Street lights combined
with the bustling city
that is moving past you
in a speeding vehicle,
can help you capture
electrifying streaks.
Shot with: Oppo N1

Natasha Desai

Ambarin Afsar Ambarin Afsar

March 2015

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