B (142)

(Michael S) #1
prashanth thinks that
the differences between
street and documentary
photography should be
left to definitions in a
dictionary. One does
not need to ponder
too much about the
meaning of these terms.
“On field, I am telling
stories through the lens
of my understanding and
experience,” he says.

later, I joined as a stringer for Reuters wire
service, and have been freelancing since
then,” he says. Apart from this, he also

actively contributes to Time, Newsweek, The
New York Times, International Herald Tribune
and several other publications.

he likes that the
cellphone does not
threaten or interfere
with people or
their emotions.





According to him, a
memorable photograph
is one that freezes the
ever fleeting moment,
which is then chiselled
with an artistic eye,
and later filtered
through the experiences
and motivations of
the photographer.

mARCH 2015

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