B (142)

(Michael S) #1
or provoke their viewers. Adding to this, his
own commentary on the images, either in
the form of interesting anecdotes or poetic
verses, wraps it up perfectly.

Accelerating Upward
In a span of almost a decade, Prashanth
has traversed several exciting roads.
In 2008, his photograph of the Mumbai
attacks appeared on the cover of Newsweek

magazine, a huge accomplishment for
someone who just started out.
However, as far as perfecting his style is
concerned, he still thinks that he has a long
way to go. “In the beginning, I took a while to
understand what is it that I like to shoot, and
shoot it well. The journey still continues,
and I am still figuring out my subjects and
my style. But I think I have progressed a bit
in the journey.”




he does not have a
favourite photograph.
Instead, he leaves me
with a quote by Imogen
Cunningham, “Which of
my photographs is my
favourite? The one I’m
going to take tomorrow.”
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