B (142)

(Michael S) #1
The gear you use
is not important.
You can create a
humourous photo
story with a 2MP
camera as well.

Explore various
vantage points, until you
find the frame that will
looks comical enough.




A Means of Satire
What is satire, but a means to humourously
look at our society for what it truly is?
Everyday life and its various flavours
can be represented best with the use of
humour in photography. The contrasts of
various cultures in big metropolises and
funny posters juxtaposed with serious
surroundings are just some of the potential

subjects you can find humour in. You could
also combine stray animals with movie
posters or signboards for comic relief!

Don’t Force it!
The most important thing about trying
to be funny is to also be respectful of
the subject. Remember that your goal
is to laugh with the subject, not at it.

Often, capturing the
unexpected is what adds
humour to your images.
Keep a sharp eye out for
such moments.

Saji Antony

Saji Antony
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