B (142)

(Michael S) #1
This is a snippet
from my personal
series, The Deadpan
Diaries, which follows
my deadpan sister on
her various adventures.
Sometimes funny ideas
will come to you on the
fly... don’t let go of them!
You can end up with a
very strong series.

Laugh with your
subjects. It is, after all,
the most recognised
human emotion.

Such moments are
serendipitous. If you’re
lucky, and you look hard
enough, you will find
them too.

Shaitan Singh Chouhan

Anjan Kumar Kundu

Shooting technique

march 2015 Better PhotograPhy


is. Take a look at Sacha Goldberger’s series
Super Mamika, where he has immortalised
his grandmother in the form of a
superhero or Dave Engledow’s World’s Best
Father, which shows him with his daughter
in hilarious moments. If you have a funny
photo idea in mind, just go forth and shoot
it, without overthinking it.

Just Have Fun!
Not every moment warrants a funny
photograph. However, with just by a slight
shift in your perspective, you can find
that even the most serious situations will
house a light-hearted moment. Some of the
most memorable images have come from
photographers who have stepped out of the
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