B (142)

(Michael S) #1
In a way, I limited my
input as a photographer.
This loss of control
quenched the thirst for
fi nding new meaning in
my photographs, in a
beautiful way.

Everything with the
project had to do with
linearity. This included,
the way the fi lm moved
in the camera, how
I moved forward on
the road, the scanning
and creating of the
contact sheet and the
large life-size prints
I eventually made of the
contact sheet.

  • Keep Interaction to the Maximum: When on a road trip in unfamiliar parts, talk
    to the locals as they will be able to tell you the best places for resources.

  • The Equipment is Not Important: Sometimes, letting the project take over is the
    best thing that can happen to it. Don’t get too caught up in the quality of equipment
    you are using. It just distracts you from immersing yourself in the experience.

  • Set Your Parameters: Decide on some set ways of shooting and then just shoot!
    Setting parameters gives the project a unique kind of consistency.

Tips to Keep in Mind When Photographing Within a Time Period


I used only local equipment, including a
scanner, which is not what one ideally uses
to scan negatives to create a contact sheet.
What I achieved in the end, was a long map
of the road.
Due to the process I adopted, I found
that the project began to have a warm and
emotional connect. The villagers could
immediately recognise and connect with
the same places on the road as opposed to
places on a map.
To me, it was about collecting bits of
information as I went along. By using local,
regional technology only, the project came
to a point where the process itself broke
and the poetry of the images came out. I set
a bunch of parameters where I only shot
three images and only in the vertical format

at each stop. The project seemed to take on
a life of its own, and I found it to be a very
cerebrally rewarding experience.

— As told to Natasha Desai
To view more of Fabien Charuau’s work, you can
visit http://www.cargocollective.com/fabiencharuau

I used three
locally sourced,
inexpensive, plastic
fi lm cameras with
Kodak Gold and
Fujicolor fi lm.
I developed the fi lm
in a minilab and used
a scanner to make
the contact sheet.

My Equipment

After some time, my
brain took a back seat
and the photographs
unravelled themselves of
their own accord.



MARCH 2015

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