B (142)

(Michael S) #1

  • Involving Family and Friends: This can help as it is easy to get stuck in the rut of
    repetition and familiarity. Your loved ones can be a source of inspiration and advice.

  • Tag Your Pictures Right: Do a little research on hashtags. One surefire way to get
    your pictures noticed is to make sure you are tagging them right on Instagram.

  • Soak in Some Inspiration: There is no dearth of creative people on this planet.
    Visit different kinds of galleries, both online and in person, as these can help spark
    your own creativity in ways one would not think possible.

Tips to Keep in Mind When Creating a Project of Your Own

Over the years,
my dolls and the
photographs have
evolved. I plan a lot
more and spend more
time in experimenting
with colours, textures,
flowers, composition
and light.

My Perspective
Combining paper dolls and everyday
settings or interesting landscapes is my
attempt to link past and present. With each
doll, I am creating photographs that deal
with a range of emotions like belonging,
loneliness, individuality and so on. I take
one day at a time. Whatever I feel on
that day, influences the images I make.
For me, creating a little tableau and finding
the right composition is an extremely
relaxing experience.

The Process
I find the dresses for the dolls mainly in
old Vogue magazines. I chose dresses that

appeal to the most to my taste. Also, how
can you say no to a red Valentino dress!
The posture of the original model plays a
large part in selecting the right kind of eyes.
A number of locations in London work
well for me and I revisit some of them with
different dolls. While the main reactions

Better PhotograPhy march 2015


on assignment
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