B (142)

(Michael S) #1
Better PhotograPhy


MaRCh 2015

any waterside
provides the ideal place
to find people lost in their
own thoughts. a long
exposure, in this case,
can set the mood of
the image.

When photographing
portraits, make sure
your frame does not
crop their appendages.
Keep the same rule
in mind if cropping
during postprocessing.

Quick Tip

Choose the right Gig
Not all live shows allow photography,
as they usually have an official team.
Check the rules before setting off with

a Calmer State of Mind
There is something about being near
a water body that calms down human
beings. Embrace this feeling, tap
deeper into yourself and photograph
as you feel. A slow shutterspeed and
flowing water make for exceptionally
dreamy photographs.

your equipment or you may find yourself
having to leave it with the security!

Get There early
Reaching the venue before the show
begins will mean that you can photograph
the band as they do their setup and warm
up before the show. There is usually some
pre-show banter and fun that can give
you priceless frames.

Get the exposure right!
With tricky lighting at concerts,
remember to use the Spot metering
mode as this will help you expose for

The background lights
at the live show could be
a problem. however, you
can cleverly use them to
create a dramatic frame.

STunninG ConCerT PhoToGraPhY

Ramasubramaniyan Krishnamoorthy

Ketan Kundargi
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