B (142)

(Michael S) #1
Merely packing and
storing hDDs well is
not good enough at all!
you are risking the loss
of your data.

gently working the button or lever to see if it
comes unstuck. If the equipment is in operating
condition, you need to exercise the mechanism
every few weeks or so. If you do not know how a
piece of equipment functions, read up on it or ask
someone familiar with old equipment.
What can you do with it your old equipment?
First read up on them. You may find that you
have a treasure trove of collectible cameras or
antiques on your hands that may be worth quite
a lot. When selling it is not an option, and even
if the equipment you have is inexpensive, simply
displaying it well in a showcase may result in
plenty of living room conversations.
The saddest thing to do is to just let it lie
there over the years and fall into complete
disrepair, until it is finally discarded as junk. You
would serve the memory of your grandfather
better by donating the equipment to a camera
museum, or to a collector who loves old gear
and maintains it well.

are Cheap Flashguns Good?
I need a basic flash. Are the flashguns
available from Chinese brands as good?
Zeenia Parakh, Hyderabad, via email

While issues of flashguns spoiling a camera’s
curcuits are very few, it is more likely that cheap
flashguns may develop snags. Opt for brands like
Vivitar (the American made 285HV does not have
TTL, but is a legendary flashgun), or well known
Chinese brands like Yongnuo or Voking.

Preserving hard Drives
I use internal hard drives for storage, which
I connect with a HDD dock. I have been
extremely careful in handling them—storing
them in their original anti-static bags, and
using them as rarely to preserve the motors.
Is there anything else I can do?
Zeenia Parakh, Hyderabad, via email

Firstly, any HDD can fail at any point without
warning, regardless of how safely you store or
handle it. So get yourself a secondary backup!
It is a good idea to use the original anti-static
bags, but never use regular plastics as it can build
up a static charge that can disrupt electronics.
Place them in a wooden cabinet. For further
protection, you can also use an antistatic mat
which need to be earthed using your regular
earthing terminal in your plug point. With mats,
you can also use relatively airtight, anti-static
(PET) containers, with a pouch of silica gel in
them to reduce moisture. Finally, remember that
HDDs can demagentise and lose data if you do
not use them once every couple of months or so.

A close friend of mine and I had taken up photography
two years ago. Our interests have differed from the
begining, but now, it seems as though I just cannot
understand her pictures. I just feel awkward when I am
asked for an opinion because I feel they are average,
or worse. In fact, even some of the legendary masters
that are generally regarded as brilliant, also seem very
ordinary to me! Why am I not able to appreciate them?
Am I so obtuse that I don’t understand the nuances?
Rohan Trivedi, New Delhi, via email

There is absolutely nothing to feel obtuse about. Think of
this... some of the greatest legends in music and painting
did not get a shred of recognition during their own lifetimes.
But we marvel at their efforts today, and even study them
as some of the most important works of art ever made.
Similarly, there are many brilliant photographers whose
works have gotten them ridiculed and even ostracised from

the societies that they lived in, but who are now regarded
as masters. Sometimes, it takes time to understand or get
used to a certain way of seeing.
Yet, you are certainly on your way to this understanding.
The first step in arriving at an answer is to ask the right
questions. Since you mentioned that your friend is close
to you, perhaps you could simply ask for an explanation as
to why she likes some of the images she shot. Get into a
discussion on some of works of the great photographers
that she happens to enjoy. This might help you appreciate
her work more. Likewise, attending talks, photography
exhibitions, reading books and interviews, conversing with
other acomplished photographers will all help.
That said, too much analysis can also destroy the charm
of photography. Study any image deeply enough, and
you will find something to like or dislike about it! Having a
personal sense of perception and opinion is also just as
important as your attempt at appreciation.

I Just Do Not Understand how Bad Photography Can Be Good!

Raj Lalwani

Using Viewfinders
with eyeglasses
One way out is to use
the dioptre correction
dial found near the
viewfinder in advanced
compact cameras and
DSLRs. It usually allows
a correction for -2 to +1
dioptres. Beyond, this,
some cameras allow you
to attach an additional
viewfinder eyepiece
for added correction.
Alternatively, you need to
start using the rear LCD in
Live View mode, with your
prscription spectacles.



March 2015 Better PhOtOgraPhy

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