B (142)

(Michael S) #1
Better PhotograPhy march 2015


A selection of some of
the best images from the
Indian mainstream media

Praveen Khanna,
The Indian Express

Standing in Disbelief
The National Convener, and now the Chief
Minister of New Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal
reacts during a rally in West Delhi. While the
image was made before his landslide
victory, his expression as well as the flowers
foreshadow the momentous event.

Pratham Gokhale,
Hindustan Times

Birds of a Feather
During Makar Sankranti, a flock of pigeons
take flight, unfazed by the people who are
flying kites. The birds and the kites would
have been indistinguishable, if not for the
spots of colour scattered throughout the
frame. The image is a strong comment on
how we endanger birds by flying kites.
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