B (183)

(Brent) #1

All images © Tim Clinch





1 The best app I’ve found for adding
flare (and the one I used on these
pictures) is BrainFeverMadia’s
LensFlare. It’s a well thought out and
designed app that really works. The
most important feature is the ability to
control the amount of whichever flare
effect you choose. Crucially,
as with all apps, don’t over-do it,
especially when first using it.
Remember – less is more!

If you like this app, you might like to
try the same developer’s LensLight
which cleverly adjusts lighting effects.
Both are available at the app store.
2 Motion Blur is another effect which
can be fantastic. The newly updated
and re-released Slow Shutter Cam by
Cogitap software is a great solution as
long as you use it with subtlety.
3 Should you want the opposite of the
above, then try Burst Mode the high

speed camera made by the same
developers, Cogitap software. It enables
you to capture sports, or any fast action
and it performs brilliantly. One word of
warning. It will fill your camera’s
memory up very quickly.
And finally, remember the golden rule
that applies to all photography, but
especially to mobile photography: just
because you can, doesn’t mean you
should. Restraint in all things amigos!

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