
(Ann) #1

Joël Andrianomearisoa's ‘Labyrinth of Passion’, with conceptual
references to sections in Oscar Wilde’s letter, De Profundis, represents
the impossibility of how love reveals itself, of obscurity and death,
and of failure and disappointment, the fabric of contemporary life.
The sublime subject is ignored, disparaged or derided. The transition
is complete and the obscured subject is manifested only as a crack or
a broken mirror that forbids representation. Joël Andrianomearisoa's
proposed work is not a melancholy meditation on love and loss, but
a powerful recognition of being still alive, in the midst of these brutal
forces. ‘An artwork is a stroll punctuated by works, emotions, memories,
desires, textures, cities and it can change more than life.
Making pleasure, the caress of the wind and letting yourself be carried the end of the day, this is what art is to me – an act, a state
of love.’

labyrinth of Passion,
Joël Andrianomearisoa,
Black Silk Paper,
260 cm x 280 cm, 2016 ,
Artist’s Studio
Installation View,
Courtesy of Sabrina
Amrani and the Artist

(^122) / arts illustrated / feb 2016 - mar 2016 /IAF - Delhi Connecting Art

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