
(Ann) #1

louder than words, Julien Segard,
Wood, Marble and Metal,
Image Courtesy of Experimenter

Julien Segard’s work explores the severe
edges perpetuated by urban structures, free-
flowing contours of nature’s invasion into
these structures and the shared intimacy
that grow into each other’s spaces. Coming
together as an amalgamation of the natural
and the manmade, the disparate and definitive
lines between the two seem to blur in the
installations. He uses found items from the
city to build his sculptures, scavenged objects
that are repurposed to create a narrative that
furthers his intuitive interpretation of cities that

are appropriating constantly. ‘I like thinking
with my hands and let ideas come to me whilst
I work. I often compare this reworking and
subsequent change in my personality to the
swift change seen in shadows formed by clouds
on waves: naturally, it is difficult to capture or
determine change in something which is never
static. Similarly, to me, human nature is not
permanent and every work of art, and every
experiment, influences me as an artist. On the
other hand, my spirit, in essence, remains the
same, and therefore I remain the same person.’

IAF - Delhi Connecting Art/ feb 2016 - mar 2016 / arts illustrated /^125
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