
(Ann) #1


ooking back, if I had to think of that
particular moment when the idea for
India Art Fair was born, I would have
to say it was during my time in London. I
always knew I was interested in the creative
industries, which is why I chose to pursue my
Master’s at the University of Arts in London.
While studying in London, I was inspired
by the great diversity and number of arts
related events – exhibitions, fairs, cultural
programmes – that were happening all the
time and reaching vast audiences. The variety
and the accessibility inspired me to think
about the lack of opportunities for people to
engage with art in India and the untapped
potential in this cultural space. It inspired
me to be a pioneer in this field and try to
create something that didn’t exist in India
and yet was much needed. And so, I moved
back to India from the United Kingdom.
I am a patriot at heart and am delighted
to have contributed to the growth of the
contemporary Indian art scene by creating a
sustainable business model and made it an

example in the creative industries for others
to follow.
In 2008, when we first launched India
Art Fair, the vision for the fair was always
to make art more accessible and less
intimidating to a wider pool of people and
we continue to work closely with museums,
galleries, artists and students to make this a
reality. The fair was launched in the absence
of anything else not for any first -mover
advantage but because all the ingredients
were there and the opportunity could not be
missed. The art market in India was certainly
ready for an international platform for
contemporary art.
Which brings me to the choice of location.
Whilst Mumbai is absolutely an important
hub for the arts in India, the arts community
in Delhi had been steadily growing and is
now an equally dynamic cultural centre, if
not more. There are more galleries opening,
new cultural initiatives launching, and an
impressive degree of engagement in the arts
both from the corporate and private sectors.

fRoM DRawiNG UP THe BUsiNess PlaN foR aN aRT faiR aT THe
Back of aN aiR-sickNess BaG oN HeR fliGHT HoMe To DelHi
fRoM loNDoN, To Now RUNNiNG soUTH asia’s BiGGesT aRT faiR,
iNDia aRT faiR, Now iN iTs eiGHTH eDiTioN, THe DYNaMic NeHa
KIRPal ReMiNisces aBoUT THe joURNeY so faR aND HeR VisioN
foR THe PaTH aHeaD

Total Recall

IAF Through The Years

(^24) / arts illustrated / feb 2016 - mar 2016 /IAF - Delhi Connecting Art

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