ivan Sundaram’s works, in his
own words, moves across multiple
themes as well as mediums.
‘My work slightly moved away from the
paintings. For instance, using technology
like photographs, as fragile as newspaper,
and using it as installation art by repetition
of the figure. To make a sculpture or a
monument with photographs reminded me
of my days in London, where I saw pop art,
installation art and minimal art that was
emerging at the time. At KNMA we used
the digital imaging of Amrita Sher-Gil and
created memories of erasures. Work involved
removing an image and manipulating 10
images for the installation to engage with.’
Vivan is a treasure trove of such unique
ideas, which is what drives young artists like
UBIK towards him. UBIK is an artist several
generations down who also moves between
Vivan Sundaram and UBIK
Cleopatra's Trail, Vivan Sundaram,
Rubber truck tyre tubes, 2010-2011,
Image Courtesy of the Artist
(^56) / arts illustrated / feb 2016 - mar 2016 /IAF - Delhi Connecting Art