ReNowNeD coNTeMPoRaRY aRTisT, SHIlPa GUPTa, GiVes Us a fRee-
flowiNG NaRRaTiVe oN How DelHi is VieweD THRoUGH THe aRTisT’s PRisM
- THRoUGH UNcoNscioUs MeMoRY aND THe coNscioUs self – aND wHY
jaNUaRY is a TiMe sHe looks foRwaRD To VisiTiNG THe ciTY
The Artist
y first impressions
of Delhi as an artist
were both drawn
from cityscape and architecture
- old Delhi bazaars, the room of
mirrors at the Red Fort, Lutyens’
new city, the aligned state power
structures and the sheer beauty and
surprise of encountering historical
monuments interwoven into the
urban landscape. Today, it’s the
growing art spaces. That is where I
head to when I get to Delhi. Be it
the NGMA, Kiran Nadar Museum,
Khoj Studios, Jor Bagh or the host
of contemporary art galleries.
Delhi, for me, feels like layers of
history, a self -conscious statehood
at one hand, and the movement
of people from elsewhere into
the interstices of the city which are
changing this and growing into it.
In terms of the art scene, Delhi has
changed a lot in the past fifteen years.
Earlier there were a handful of great
contemporary galleries, like Nature
Morte, Espace and Vadehra; then with
the Khoj, Devi Art Foundation and
JNU, it became an experimental and
discursive space, and now with the
KNMA, the new NGMA, Jor Bagh
and India Art Fair, January is the time
I look forward to being there!
Having travelled and exhibited around
the world, I feel that India Art Fair
with its Artists Projects and series of
Talks, becomes a fulcrum around
which many other energies intersect.
One looks forward to being in Delhi
in January as the galleries, museums
and experimental spaces all mount
great shows parallel to the fair which
draws audiences from all over.
And so, if one were to look for this
- the many layers of Delhi – in my
work, one would find it at Vadehra,
Chemould and Continua. And if I
were look back at this city within the
contours of my mind, then the one
visual that peeks out is one of my
oldest memories of Delhi – gazing
upwards, on to the Qutb Minar.
Photograph by Shrutti Garg
(^82) / ARTs ILLusTRATeD / feb 2016 - mAR 2016 /IAF - Delhi Connecting Art