
(Dana P.) #1


ne of the simplest (and tastiest)
things you can do for your heart
is eat whole grains. Whole grains
are naturally packed with a
full array of nutrients. In comparison,
refined, or processed, grains have been
stripped of one-half to two-thirds of
many nutrients. For example, refined
wheat contains only 29 percent of the
potassium in whole wheat and only
one-fourth of the fiber.
The superior nutrition of whole grains
adds up to more health benefits for
your heart. For example, soluble fiber
in barley has been shown to help lower
cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Whole grains may help lower blood
pressure, too, according to a 12-week

clinical trial that found systolic blood
pressure (top number) dropped
6 points when a person ate three daily
servings of whole grains instead of
three servings of refined grains. That’s
big news because that improvement in
blood pressure can reduce the risk of
heart disease by 15 percent and the risk
of stroke by 25 percent.
Each type of grain has a distinct
nutritional profile. Some grains have
more magnesium; others have more
fiber. Make it a point to enjoy a variety
of whole grains throughout the week.
Many grains are available in the rice
aisle of most supermarkets. Ask if you
can’t find what you want.

buckwheat wild rice barley

Heart-Smart Recipes 55
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