
(Nandana) #1



wider social and cultural significance. “I don’t speak in this series about the Soviet era,” he says. “What is more interesting to me is the fate of technology-
oriented society, and utopian thinking. I used the relics of the Soviet era as decorations for expressing my idea.” The 26-year-old Russian photographer
graduated from the Rodchenko Moscow School of Photography and Multimedia last year, where he specialised in documentary photography. He has
already won a number of awards for his work, including a World Press Photo award in 2013. Last year he was shortlisted for Magnum’s ‘30 Under 30’
and the Leica Oskar Barnack depth, and over a long period. In Transition AgeTkachenko’s projects explore subjects he shot perceptive portraits

Danila Tkachenko has made it his mission to locate and record these fascinating relics in his new book, Tkachenko, answering questions via Restricted Areas.
email while travelling in a remote region of northern Russia, is keen to point out that the project is not specifically about his country’s past; he intends it to have a

FARshrouded in secrecy, relics of Russia’s Soviet-era past lie abandoned and all but forgotten. They range from defunct space from population centres and still
ha rdwa re to deser ted m ilita r y bu ildi ng s, observatories and once state-of-the-art aeroplanes and submarines. Public access is restricted. Moscow-based photographer

of teenagers and the urban landscapes in which they lived, focusing on “loss of childhood and transition to adulthood”. Then in Escape, which last year became
his first book, he documented the lives of people who have withdrawn from society and live remotely as hermits in the forests of Russia and Ukraine.
winner of the both the European Publishers Award for Photography and the Lensculture Exposure award. It will This year, Restricted Areas was the
be simultaneously published by five different publishers in five languages.visited his grandmother in a previously The project began after Tkachenko
‘secret’ city in Russia’s Chelyabinsk region. “The city is still restricted for visits and I could get inside only because of my grandmother,” he explains.

DANILA TKACHENKODanila Tkachenko’s high-key photographs use abandoned
military and space hardware from the Soviet era to examine humanity’s quest for technological progress. He reveals why and how he photographs ‘secret’ cities

[Above, left] Excavator on a closed quarry [Above] The world’s largest diesel submarine
[Left] Isolated stages of space rockets


Rising _ Stars _ Danila _ Tkachenko Danila _ Tkachenko _ Rising _ Stars


Director, Visa Pour I’Image Jean-Francois_Leroy

Editor, LightBox Olivier_Laurent
MD, World Press Photo Lars_Boering What is the editorial mandate of Visa pour l’Image?
retrospective exhibitions and young Jean-François Leroyaffairs of the previous 12 months. We’ve also got^ Current
photographers. We’re very happy to make sure that other people discover the young photographers who send me their work, so they also get exhibited. It’s not just current
affairs – it includes a number of That’s very different – that’s looking at how a personal tragedy and What about photos of cancer in the
drama can be experienced in photographs. It’s not always current affairs, but it’s photojournalism, it’s telling us a story.
What is World Press Photo’s definition of the press?Lars Boeringused to be synonymous with the For us, journalism
of distribution. In World Press Photo’s 60 years, new technologies have expanded the ways and means of journalism. In the last printing press and its technology
20 years the rise of digital technologies and the internet has totally transformed the way we produce, publish and also circulate and consume visual stories. For us, it’s
clear that, while cameras and publishing platforms have changed, the values of free enquiry, free press and free speech are

more important than ever. And I guess this is exactly where we align ourselves with your philosophy and your strong beliefs about photojournalism.
Why did Visa pour l’Image decide not to show the World Press Photo awards this year?Jean-François Leroy I’m going to
perception of this decision has often been incorrect and many people think I try to be very clear and precise here, because I think that the
cancelled World Press Photo because of what happened with Troilo and Charleroi. This is totally wrong – that’s not the reason. Maybe I felt that World Press
Photo took a little too long to remove the award, and this is because, of course, the photos were taken in Brussels and not Charleroi, as they were said to have been.
said something else, such as ‘These photos have been staged and for that reason they’re going’. I am not criticising the I think that we should have immediately
award winners of this year by any means; I think we’ve seen some remarkable photographers, such as those by Bulent Kilic and Daniel Berehulak.
have been photos that really did reflect the definition of the World Press Photo of the Year. I feel that over the past couple of For as long as I can remember, there

years, maybe too much importance was given to photos that are not really representative of World Press Photo of the Year. For example, the 2014 winner
dealt with a very important subject: homosexuality in Russia. By no means should we hide and not talk about this story, but we’ve got Iraq, Sudan, Somalia,
Mexico, and there are so many incredible things that are happening in Chad and so on. I just think that with current affairs as they are today, there are other places to
look than a gay couple’s room in Russia.There’s the case of Troilo and the problems of captions. Is this something
to do with the rules of World Press Photo, or maybe there weren’t rules that allowed you to immediately disqualify someone who had used
staged photos?Lars Boeringcontroversy was really quite a challenge. But I think it was To stumble into this
meant to be. I don’t like the controversy, but I think it was about time that it got out there because the difficulty, if you talk about the Troilo case, was that there
weren’t any restrictions about staging photographs in the contest’s rules. That made it very difficult. This controversy arises and you have to look into it. As
managing director, with the secretary and

The 2015 World Press Photo contest proved to be a controversial one. The winner, Giovanni
Troilo, was disqualified due to some of his photos being staged and taken in Brussels, rather than
shot live in Charleroi. The Visa pour l’Image festival then announced that it would not exhibit
the World Press Photo contest images this year.

CAN IT EVER BE STAGED?Press images have been manipulated since the Crimean war, but things are
festival, Jean-François Leroy and the MD of World Press Photo, Lars Boering, more complicated in the digital age. The director of the Visa pour l’Image debate the current state of photojournalism, chaired by Olivier Laurent






DESIREPhotographer NK Guy landed a major book
deal by documenting the art of Burning Man

In mainstream media it’s mostly depicted as a mad hippie festival of nudity, craziness and drugs. But Burning Man, the
temporary community that arises in the Black Rock desert in Nevada every September, is also a display of remarkable
outdoor art installations. Just like the burning man itself, these installations exist for the duration of the event, and
are burnt at the end. But they live on in the minds of those who experienced it, and now also in a beautifully designed
Taschen book by NK Guy, who has documented the art of Burning Man as a personal project since 1998.


NK _ Guy _ Personal _ Projects

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