Science - USA (2022-06-10)

(Maropa) #1

By Chadi M. Saad-Roy^1 , C. Jessica E.
Metcalf2,3, Bryan T. Grenfell2,3


espite much recent progress in mod-
eling the epidemiology and evolution
of acute viruses, a full quantitative
synthesis of viral eco-evolutionary
dynamics remains elusive. The severe
acute respiratory syndrome coronavi-
rus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has stimulated
vast research efforts into measuring viral dy-
namics and genetics, across scales from indi-
vidual hosts to global circulation. In parallel,
understanding determinants of individual
immune protection against infection and se-
vere disease has been a major research focus.
However, the interaction between population
immunity and viral dynamics has been much
less studied—a crucial gap because this in-
teraction will strongly influence SARS-CoV-2
evolution over time. Clarifying the biology of
transmission at different scales, and in par-
ticular the impact of immunity on transmis-
sion, will define the epidemiological context
(current spread and population risk), as well
as the epidemiological and evolutionary im-
plications, of immune escape.
To probe likely evolutionary trajectories,
it is necessary to understand how immu-
nity intersects with transmission and thus
population outcomes, especially in partially
immune individuals. Building such a “phy-
lodynamic” synthesis ( 1 ) requires a revolu-
tion in cross-scale understanding of how
individual immune kinetics translate to im-
muno-epidemiology. The resulting frame-
works will provide a more mechanistic ba-
sis for exploring the predictability of viral
evolutionary dynamics. Such mechanistic
approaches synthesize findings across dis-
ciplines, and they will provide a principled
way to integrate information across scales
and inform data analyses.
Phylodynamic models meld the epide-
miological and evolutionary dynamics of
pathogens, often with underlying host im-

mune kinetics. Such frameworks have been
applied across a range of acute and chronic
pathogens ( 1 , 2 ), and often focus on influ-
enza eco-evolutionary dynamics as a model
for acute partially immunizing infections.
In particular, the immune escape of sea-
sonal variants of human influenza A virus
has been used to study the impact of popu-
lation immunity on viral population dy-
namics. The simplest conceptual qualitative
phylodynamic models for immune escape
( 1 ) posited that spread of escape variants
would be maximized at intermediate im-
mune pressure, through a trade-off between
transmission and immune selection. That
is, if there is no immune pressure, then vi-
ral abundance may be high but selection
for immune escape is absent. Conversely,
if there is strong immune pressure, then
selection may be high but viral abundance
very low; this would also limit adaptive evo-
lution for immune escape.
More detailed dynamic models for in-
fluenza have addressed quantitative phy-
lodynamic interactions across scales (from
within hosts to global spread). These models
also explored what limits viral diversity to
the observed phylogeny that emerges from
antigenic drift (changes in surface proteins
that lead to immune escape), given the huge
variation generated by error-prone viral re-
production ( 3 , 4 ). An array of related fram-
ings of immunodynamics in various guises
[such as strain-transcending immunity ( 3 )
and repeated selective sweeps driven by
herd immunity ( 4 )] have been explored as
candidates to explain these phylodynamic
patterns for influenza A virus.
Phylodynamic models have been widely
applied beyond seasonal influenza ( 2 ). In
particular, the dynamics of seasonal hu-
man coronaviruses (HCoVs) are becoming
increasingly salient, especially owing to
the continued spread of SARS-CoV-2. For
example, the 229E HCoV exhibits antigenic
drift ( 5 ), which could have implications for
the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants.
Indeed, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
underlines the major impact not only of
immune escape evolution, but also of rapid
selection for (surprisingly large) increases
in viral transmission rate. Although the

acquisition of human-to-human transmis-
sion by influenza viruses that caused pan-
demics is arguably an example of a selec-
tion on transmission, this is not as evident
for seasonal influenza.
A key issue for next-generation phylo-
dynamics is to determine how selection at
different levels (within-host, transmission
chains, population-level, globally) trans-
lates into population  outcomes, and how
it is modulated by host immunity. There
are important processes present at each
biological scale, from the emergence of vari-
ants to their global spread (supplementary
fig. S1). Within individual hosts , variants
arise through mutation and/or recombina-
tion ( 1 ). The ability of variants to replicate
(which is necessary for successful transmis-
sion) will be affected by their cellular tro-
pism and by the efficiency with which they
can enter cells and transmit across tissues.
For example, increases in angiotensin-con-
verting enzyme 2 (ACE2) avidity may lead
to enhanced SARS-CoV-2 transmissibility
( 6 ) and may also alter tissue tropism, e.g.,
for the upper respiratory tract ( 7 ). Tropism
could also depend on host immune re-
sponses; adaptive immunity (acquired
through infection or vaccination) may also
shape viral load trajectories [e.g., for influ-
enza ( 8 )] and lead to selection for immune-
escape variants [e.g., the Omicron variant
( 9 )]. Tropism and adaptive immunity also
likely play a role in the clinical severity of
infections (and reinfections) with variants.
The combination of individual immune
phenotypes and their impact on viral shed-
ding affects the transmission of variants
and determines whether they can cause
breakthrough infections in vaccinated in-
dividuals. Simultaneously, antigenic drift or
waning immunity may influence suscepti-
bility to (re)infection. In turn, these lead to
fitness advantages for variants with either
increased immune escape or transmissibil-
ity. Individual characteristics of immunity
might be particularly important in shaping
the features of the virus. For example, selec-
tion of influenza viruses within immunolog-
ically competent hosts is less strong owing
to asynchrony between viral growth and im-
mune response ( 8 ), whereas prolonged car-
riage in immunocompromised hosts could
result in variants ( 10 ); this may also be the
case for SARS-CoV-2 ( 11 ).
At the population level, the presence of
many immune individuals could limit vi-
ral spread through indirect protection. To
prevent the establishment of variants with
increased transmissibility (but with little
immune escape) once they have emerged,
a higher proportion of immune individu-
als are required than that needed to limit
transmission of the original virus. Indirect


Immuno-epidemiology and the

predictability of viral evolution

Understanding viral evolution depends on a synthesis of

evolutionary biology and immuno-epidemiology

(^1) Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton
University, Princeton, NJ, USA.^2 Department of Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ,
USA.^3 Princeton School of Public and International Affairs,
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA.
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
10 JUNE 2022 • VOL 376 ISSUE 6598 1161

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