Understanding Photography
This article explains how to execute the
first steps in the workflow for developing
images. These are applying lens
corrections, straightening images and
correcting perspective. The last two are
optional and are not needed every time.
You have also seen how to correct colour
casts that might occur due to improper
WB settings.
I will conclude by reminding readers
once again that all the operations
described in this article including
straightening and cropping are fully non-
destructive and you can change any of
them whenever you wish!
Picture 5-7 shows an image before
and after the WB correction.
This shows how important WB
correction is.
Short cuts: Table 5-1 gives you
some shortcuts to help you use the
Develop module efficiently. |SP
All text diagrams and images © Ashok Kandimalla
Next month: You are now ready to take up tone corrections. This will be the topic for the
coming month.
Table 5-1 – Shortcuts
Shortcut What it does
X key Toggles the cropping overlay from Landscape to
Portrait format and vice versa.
W key Invokes WB Selector tool (Picture 5-7↓2).
I Key Toggles information overlay (Picture 5-7↓7).
Picture 5-7: The subject was photographed with
incandescent bulb WB when the light source had
a colour temperature that was higher causing this
blue cast (5-7↓1). A single click with the WB Selec-
tor tool (5-7↓2) on the gray card (5-7↓3) was all
that was needed to correct WB (5-7↓4).
You can also get the same effect through the
alternate method of selecting a preset WB (Picture
5-7↓5) and then fine tuning with Temp and Tint
sliders (Picture 5-7↓6).
5-7↓1 Before WB correction
5-7↓2 WB Selector tool
5-7↓3 Gray card
5-7↓4 After WB Correction
5-7↓5 WB selection
5-7↓6 Temp and Tint sliders
5-7↓7 Overlay giving image information (usable
with all tools)
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Smart Photography December 2015