We are sure that all of you have a few
pictures that you think are prize worthy.
It happens very o en that you don’t know
where to send the image that could put a
feather in your cap. If you have such images
(we’re sure you have many!), send us ONE
such horizontal image. If it quali es, we
shall publish it as a double-spread.
a. You have to guarantee that the picture
was shot by you
b. If there are people in the picture who can
be identi ed, we’ll need a model release
c. e picture should not have been printed
elsewhere (magazine newspaper, or
o ered to any publication)
d. Mark the entry as “Picture of the Month”
and rename the le using your name
e. You may send images via print/e-mail
to: Next Gen Publishing Ltd.,2nd Floor,
C Wing, Trade World, Kamala Mills
Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower
Parel (W), Mumbai 400013 (or) sphoto.
[email protected]
Sydney II 27
Camera Bag
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Photograph by
Amartya Mukherjee