bank of River Moscow. It is the tallest
Orthodox Christian church in the world
- standing tall at a neck-craning 103
metres. En route, I made a few stops to
capture some more stunning structures
lying across the entire length and
breadth of Moscow.
Next stop - Moscow University. Its
building not only has 6 other look-
alikes in Moscow (one of them being
the office block of Russia’s Ministry of
External Affairs), but it has an uncanny
resemblance to the Palace
of Culture and Science in Warsaw.
Sergei mentioned that this similarity
might be attributed to the fact
that Stalin was instrumental in
commissioning all of these. Its
stunning design and captivating
locale attract Moscow-ites for their
cherished photo-ops - be it candid
pre-wedding shoots or celebratory
videos commissioned by a spouse to
surprise his/her partner.
Russia’s Symbol at VDNKh Entrance
State Museum 69
Smart Photography December 2015