
(Barry) #1

Howl:Although your eye is drawn to the rough, Darkness can really sell a character.

mind fills in the gaps and allows the viewer unfinished areas Charlie knows the human
to focus on the illuminated areas

Scrap City: Creating images with backgrounds
Charlie believes it’s important to take advantage and multiple characters can be quite tricky.
of lighting and negative space to separate the characters and have each of them stand out

Stay Gold: Charlie creates wonderfully
illustrated characters. She has the ability have a character transcend from the
screen or print into the real world through her highly mastered lighting skills

21 Draw:but Charlie usually likes to when designing characters. She You don’t always need to start in black and white,
can chop and change any elements of the character in the design process, before she gets into colour and details

My advice would be to aim for progress
and not perfection. If you want to paint

characters, then paint a lot of characters!

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