
(C. Jardin) #1






Polarr, known for its browser-based photo editing app
online, has recently launched an image editor for iOS
that competes with some of the best pro-level image
editors on the iOS platform – while maintaining its
ease of use.
The editing platform originally began (somewhat
unconventionally) as a completely free, advanced
online editor that after picking up pace with followers
in their droves later evolved into the Polarr iOS app,
which also makes many pro editing features
previously found in expensive and complicated
software easy to use and available for free.
Contrary to popular belief the team at Polarr has
always claimed that they are not a Photoshop
competitor. “We don’t offer layers/masks or vector
creation.” However, Polarr still offers all the essential
tools for advanced light and colour controls.

Weapons of Mass Creation Fest, created by Go
Media, returned for its sixth year this August.
For three days, senior creatives, entrepreneurs,
artists, students, and fans gathered in Cleveland,
USA to learn, be inspired, collaborate, network
and celebrate their passion for art and design.
“Weapons of Mass Creation is a young
grassroots movement to inspire and enable the
creative mind. We believe that good things
happen when ideas and talents are shared
within the community. This mentality manifests
itself in the lifestyle of a Weapon of Mass
Creation: a person who defies the hand they’re
dealt and makes stuff happen.”
The event was packed with intoxicating
design, talks by design pros like Michael Bierut,
incredible amounts of inspiration, authentic
networking and a chance to build a sense of
community. Attendees had access to 14
speakers, eight workshops, three panels, and
over 20 vendors during the three-day event.
Alumni include Tad Carpenter, Aaron Draplin,
Brandon Rike, Chuck Anderson, Dan

Key features include creating and saving your
own style presets, infinite undo/redo checks and
a history button to return to any point in your
history. Image editing includes the options to
add radial and graduated filters, HSL channels
and Tone Curves to help you perfect the colours
in your image. This is all alongside the usual
filters, adjustments, highlights and distortions

Christofferson, Johnny Cupcakes, Mark Brickey
and the Adventures in Design Podcast and National
Poster Retrospecticus.
Fast becoming an essential event in the creative
calendar, WMC still retains its small-town feel
despite building on its heritage and popularity with
every year. For more information about next year’s
event, visit

that you would usually expect to find in a
photo-editing app.
The mobile app is currently out on iOS for free,
with an in-app purchase of £3.99 for a few pro
features (local adjustments, saving presets), and
with talks of an Android version being launched at
the end of Summer 2015, there isn’t long to wait

  • so be sure to add it to your wish list!

Landscape unlocks a game-controller
style format that aims to maximise productivity for each artist

A selection of last year’s event images
Free download pdf