
(Elle) #1

You can create brushes from all sorts of objects
and items. Just by photographing things around
you and turning them into brushes with
Photoshop, you can build a bank of resources to
use in all kinds of projects. Anything at all can be
turned into a brush in Photoshop.
This smoke, for example, was
photographed and used as a brush
to make the delicate image below.

Black and white splatters


Add new layers for black splatters and
white splatters. Use the splatter brush to
create a chaotic effect around the profile. To get
the black ink to fit around her facial features, use



From the FileSilo, open ‘TexturePaper.
jpg’ and ‘PrettyProfile.jpg’. Layer the
profile over the texture and add a mask. Use the
new splatter brush on the layer mask and vary
the Opacity and Angle to start the grunge effect.

Colour splatters


Add more layers for colour splatte
Experiment with different blend m
and layer opacity settings to get various ef
Here we used a blonde colour with the ble
mode of Color Burn d O ity of 79%.

Turn photos into brushes

It can be easy to forget that
brushes can be used to enhance
any photo, and you might choose
to create some specific to a
photograph or project you’re trying
to enhance, such as this tree.
Rather like actions, brushes can be
a quick way to apply a shape all
over a picture; here, we simply
altered the Scattering settings from
this tree.

great way to create brushes
wherever you are. You can
place any object onto a white
surface, capture, and the app
will create a Photoshop brush.

Splattered adjustments


Add a Black & White adjustment layer
clipped to the profile layer. This
desaturates the photo. Now use the splatter
brush with black paint on the mask to reveal the
colour again in literal splashes of colour!

Smoke effect

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