Take advantage of Rich Site Summary
(RSS) to push the latest headlines and
updates from your favorite web sites
directly to your computer. Here’s how we
set up ours:
First, download and install an RSS
aggregator program. An aggregator is
a program that monitors a site’s RSS
feed and downloads the content for
your perusal. We like i-System’s free
and easy-to-use Feedreader , available at
Next, find RSS feeds for the aggregator
to monitor. A good place to start is Yahoo’s
News section, which offers a large number
of RSS feeds covering a variety of topics.
Individual sites such as Slashdot.org and
ESPN.com also offer RSS content.
Copy the RSS feed’s URL and add it
to Feedreader by clicking the New but-
ton and pasting it into the dialogue box.
Feedreader will now connect to the feed
and download all the content available. It
will then give you a short synopsis of each
headline along with the option to view
the full story, either through your Internet
browser or within the program itself.
Feedreader automatically checks for
news headlines at set intervals and alerts
you when they become available. Many
sites utilize RSS feeds as a way to alert
readers to site updates. If you set the
aggregator to check for updates often
enough, you can stay informed and up
to date with the major news headlines
and updates to your favorite web sites
almost as soon as they appear. Beware:
1{) Get ews Delivered DirectlÞ to Your 7indows Desktop
We keep hearing all this gobbledy-gook
about the omnipresence of wireless net-
works, but it’s obviously a damn dirty
lie. Sure, your wireless network works
great in your living room and kitchen,
but there’s never coverage where you
really want it, like in the downstairs
“reading room” or your backyard.
It’s easy to extend your wireless cover-
age with a simple hardware purchase.
What you need is a repeater, and it can
be had for about $100. We tested the
D-Link DWL-G800AP, which we config-
ured to work with our access point and
placed near the perimeter of our exist-
ing wireless coverage area, with tre-
mendous results.
15) Increase Your 7ireless Ran}e
The insanely popular Linksys 802.11g Wi-Fi
router, model number WRT54g, uses firm-
ware based on the Open Source operating
system Linux. Because of its Open Source
lineage, Linksys makes the source code
for the router’s firmware available to any-
one who asks for it. The practical upshot
is that there are loads of independent
programmers adding neat new features
to the WRT54g—if you’re brave enough to
upgrade to unsupported firmware.
New features include: support for sev-
eral different types of virtual private net-
works, advanced firewall management, and
bandwidth throttling for different types of
traffic. Bandwidth throttling is particularly
cool; it lets you prioritize bandwidth for
critical applications—like Battlefield 1942 —
while downgrading the importance of mere
file downloads or Kazaa traffic.
The firmware install procedures are
constantly changing, but you can visit
http://h.vu.wifi-box.net/wrt54g for current
updates and the latest install instructions.
Warning: Upgrading to unsupported
firmware voids your warranty and could
permanently damage your router. But
hey, a new one is only 60 bucks.
1È) dd ew FunctionalitÞ
to Your LinksÞs Router (^) Buy the best paper you can get from your printer’s manufacturer. Not all third-
party paper is bad, but cheap paper means cheap-looking prints.
Don’t skimp on ink. Low quality ink affects color and may fade faster then ink
from the manufacturer.
Calibrate your printer. Most print heads needs to be recalibrated when you
change the ink cartridge. Go into your print driver’s setup and tell it to calibrate.
This will realign the nozzles and ensure they spray ink in the appropriate places.
Clean the inkhead. Inkjets that haven’t been used for a month or more tend to
clog. Run your printer though its cleaning cycles a few times to rid prints of that
annoying streaked look.
Air out your photograph. Today’s prints
17) Print Perfect Print Perfect Photo}raphs Photo}raphs
will then give you a short synopsis of each
headline along with the option to view
the full story, either through your Internet
almost as soon as they appear. Beware:
Netiquette suggests a minimum RSS
refresh time of 90 minutes.
be had for about $100. We tested the
D-Link DWL-G800AP, which we config-
ured to work with our access point and
placed near the perimeter of our exist-
ing wireless coverage area, with tre-
Buy the best paper you can get from your printer’s manufacturer. Not all third-
Print Perfect Print Perfect Photo}raphs Photo}raphs
D-Link’s DWL-800AP+ will quickly
and easily extend the coverage of
your Wi-Fi network.
Air out your photograph. Today’s prints
may dry quickly to prevent smears, but most
paper and ink need time to breath and may
change color for the better.