his month we pit an old clas-
sic, recently reborn mouse
against an innovative new-
comer. Originally introduced
as the Razor Boomslang more
than three years ago, the Sniper
Boomslang 2100 offers pixel-per-
fect accuracy using a traditional
ball mechanism. That’s right,
boys and girls, there’s no optical
mumbo-jumbo here.
The highly novel Nyko AirFlo
mouse, on the other hand, aims
to increase your mousing stamina
with air-conditioned comfort.
.YKo Air&lo Mouse
At first glance, the AirFlo mouse
looks like nothing more than a
standard three-button optical
jobbie. It’s when you plug
it in and start using it
that you notice a dif-
ference. The mouse
pulls air into
the sides and
blows it out
a pattern
of holes
on the top,
where your
palm rests. While
the AirFlo’s inter-
nal fan doesn’t move
much air, the effect
is apparent. A switch
on the mouse’s belly
lets you adjust the fan
speed or turn it off
To test the AirFlo,
we arranged an
intense gaming session in the lab,
to be attended by Greg Vederman,
an editor at sister magazine PC
Gamer , and by far the sweatiest
person we know. After an action-
packed hour of Divine Divinity, the
Vede praised the AirFlo’s dehu-
midifying powers. “Normally I’m
a sweaty pig, but the AirFlo mouse
keeps my hand nice and dry.”
We’ll take his word for it.
In addition to its unique physi-
cal comforts, the AirFlo delivers
speed and accuracy. Its 850dpi
optical sensor is as good as any
we’ve tested. It consistently tracks
our position perfectly, no matter
how quickly we move the mouse.
Although the AirFlo mouse
has an ambidextrous design, it’s
restrictive to people who want
more than two buttons and a
mouse wheel. But we really don’t
expect more than the basics in a
mouse this price.
"&' TeChnoloGies
Sniper "oomslanG 200
Many, many moons have passed
since we last reviewed a mechani-
cal mouse, and with good reason.
Optical mice eliminate many of
the pitfalls that plague ball mice,
such as the frequent need to clean
the roller and a penchant for
imprecise tracking on uneven sur-
faces. But the original and much
beloved Boomslang emerged at a
time when optical mice weren’t
yet sensitive enough or fast
enough for gaming, a time when
gamers were clawing and scrap-
ing for any device that would give
them a slight edge in shooters.
This new model is essentially
identical to its sleek-looking
predecessor. It has the same five-
button ambidextrous design—the
scroll wheel doubles as the center
button—and the ball still resides
in the same odd place, directly
under the palm. Sensitivity is
great, and the mouse’s accuracy
is pixel-perfect, as advertised. In
fact, the Boomslang’s movement
felt even smoother than that of an
optical mouse.
The problem is that using the
Boomslang for extended periods
of time is terribly uncomfort-
able. The mouse’s flat design and
oversized buttons feel awkward
and ill-conceived. And the hyper-
sensitive buttons are so twitchy
that your fingers are likely to
accidentally depress one or all at
the slightest touch. Furthermore,
there’s the mouse ball’s illogical
location. Most mousers use their
wrists and fingers to move the
cursor on-screen from side to side
and up and down, but because the
Boomslang ball is positioned so
low on the mouse, it takes full-on
arm movement to get the cursor
to budge!
We know there’s an irrational
handful of Boomslang enthusiasts
out there who’ll be thrilled with
the product’s return. To them, we
say, “better you than us.”
The more things change, the
more they stay the same. It’s the
reincarnated Razor Boomslang
2100, complete with a poorly
placed ball.
Those holes on the side
aren’t for speed. No siree.
They’re part of AirFlo’s
state-of-the-art palm
ventilation system.
.YKo Air&lo Mouse
At first glance, the AirFlo mouse
looks like nothing more than a
standard three-button optical
jobbie. It’s when you plug
it in and start using it
that you notice a dif-
ference. The mouse
pulls air into
the sides and
blows it out
a pattern
of holes
on the top,
where your
palm rests. While
the AirFlo’s inter-
nal fan doesn’t move
much air, the effect
Those holes on the side is apparent. A switch
High resolution and great precision are terrific in
Goofy design makes us wonder if the engineers
who designed it are trackball users.
$80, http://www.bfgtech.com
Mouse Miasma
Two mice offer uniQue features, But uniQue isnt always good
keeps my hand nice and dry.”
We’ll take his word for it.
In addition to its unique physi-
cal comforts, the AirFlo delivers
speed and accuracy. Its 850dpi
optical sensor is as good as any The more things change, the
Two mice offer uniQue features, But uniQue isnt always good
Cool air on our fingers makes us happy.
No side buttons doesn’t cut it these days.
$40, http://www.nyko.com
AirFlo Mouse
Sniper Boomslang 2100