
(Jacob Rumans) #1


48 Art Jewelry ■ March 2016

[E] For years, Liz Hall had been
experimenting with using different
formulations of fine- and sterling silver
metal clay in combination with poly-
mer to create intricate designs. For
most of her pieces, she used black and
white elements in a supporting role to
a riot of iridescent rainbow colors. For
Black and White Escape, Hall opted for
a dramatic, monochromatic effect. 43 x
42 mm (approximately 1^3 ⁄ 4 x 1^5 ⁄ 8 in.).
Photo by the artist.

[F] Watching the birds in her garden,
Ann Marie Cianciolo was struck by
their elegance. How better to show off
that style than by giving them jewelry
and high heels to match? The ring and
the bird are sterling silver; the details
are 14- and 18k gold, spinel, garnet
drusy, and a pearl. 1^1 ⁄ 4 x 1^1 ⁄ 4 x 1 in. (32 x
32 x 25.5 mm) Photo by Larry Sanders.

[G] Jolly Brooch, as fits its name, is an
attempt by Laritza Garcia to “bring

levity to the forefront.” Garcia starts
with drawings made with ink and
calligraphy brushes, which she then
develops into her finished jewelry
pieces. The pierced copper and sterling
silver brooch is enlivened with brill-
iantly colorful powder coating. Porter
Price Coll., photo by the artist.

[H] To portray the great blue heron in
its natural environment, Washington
artist Joan Tenenbaum turned to a


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