New Artist - 2016__

(Martin Jones) #1

Spray paint: a step-by-step guide

Briefed to paint an internal mural for a creative recruitment agency, Jody took

inspiration from the movie The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Here‘s how he did it...

Find source material, ask a photographer‘s or model‘s

permission to use their image and credit them. This is based

on actress Rooney Mara. Make a digital version in Photoshop.

Working from the top down, break down the image into light,

medium and dark tones. Start with medium, then add

dark,then highlights last.

Make an accurate transfer by drawing or sketching onto
the wall or canvas. Take time with this as it will make the
piece so much tighter.

You can become blinded by the shapes and shadows, so try
to have a break (or turn the piece upside down. to view it in
a new context).

Jody Thomas




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