New Artist - 2016__

(Martin Jones) #1
the job well. Charcoal pencils
can be sharpened
like pencils, or with
a knife (such as the
X-Acto). Sharpen
charcoal sticks with
220 grit sandpaper.

compressed charcoal sticks
produce much darker marks.
Sharp charcoal pencils are
great for detail. Blend, smear or
smudge your marks with a stump

  • a stick of tightly rolled-up felt
    paper with two pointed ends.

(^6) Erasers
We all know the rubber eraser,
which uses friction for erasing
pencil graphite. For surfaces
that might tear, try a gum eraser
which crumbles to protect the
surface. A kneaded eraser lifts
charcoal from the page. It can be
pulled into a point for detailed
areas and can be shaped to
create marks. A heavy duty vinyl
or plastic eraser can rub out ink,
but it can easily tear paper, too!
(^7) Pencil sharpener
Remember to keep your
pencils nice and sharp.
An electric or manual
sharpener will both do
(^8) Artwork storage
Keep your finished drawings safe in
a portfolio. Look out for one which
won’t bend your artwork and which
is large enough to accommodate
a variety of sizes, including larger
drawings. Put tissue paper or
greaseproof paper between your
pieces so they don’t smudge.
Thanks to Jacksons for supplying
products for these pages. Turn to
page 8 for 10% discount offer.

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