
(Amelia) #1

I've being following Pavel Wolberg works for a while,noticing
that almost any situation or scenery can become, for him, an
interesting platform for his lens, therefore instead of making an
ordinary interview I decided to call him and ask him if he would
accept to meet at a site, for a photograph shooting session.
I picked a very special site, not only for me, but for the history
of Tel Aviv. The pool trampoline, last remain of what used to
be the first and biggest Social Country Club in Israel, built in
1965. This monument is about to be demolished to give place
to residential towers, which are dramatically changing Israel’s
My personal impression of Pavel is that he is so gifted and
remarkable talented that he doesn't need much words, he has
a vast language in the images he freezes, scenes and moments
that find their own way in touching one's soul, even though
the places he decide to express himself and show us, are most
of the time, from far away lands and realities.
He immediately accepted and as soon as we met, diligently,
we climbed the trampoline stairs in search of the best possible
angle, the light was set by a cloudy and wintery afternoon,
giving us the perfect set up.

Copyrights To Pavel Wolberg © All Rights Reserved.
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