
(Amelia) #1

After spending those moments together, a brief
conversation came to place, I told Pavel my thoughts about
his choice of opening his last exhibit in the periphery at
The Negev Art Museum, not a coincidence, he replied that
it was indeed a closure given by the fact that he came to
live in Beer Sheva from Russia at the age of seven and lived
there until was recruited into the IDF. Lately he proposed
to the Museum Director, Dr Dalia Manor, to build up a kind
of retrospective exhibit linking his Russian and Beer Sheva
roots and life experience with his work as a freelance
journalist photographer -” It is a statement at presenting
the periphery, I create here, most things are happening in
the periphery, and this state (Israel) is mostly peripheral.
There is a need to leave Tel Aviv, this is important.
I also think it's important and good deed that I presented
an exhibition in Beer Sheva, especially because it is a
personal exhibition. I work alone.”

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