
(Amelia) #1

Hello Denis, Thank you for the Interview,
Please tell our readers about your background
in art?
It all began at birth. I was enrolled at a specialist
Art School at the age of eleven years old. The
school took in 'gifted' kids from all walks of life,
social classes, religions etc. The focus of the
lessons was always centreded around Art, in all
its flavors. The School saw Art as a cornerstone
for a more inclusive view of society, one with
a tolerant attitude or broader vision on the
diversity of the human, delivered by via a
creative dogma. So, my background in Art is sort
of encapsulated in my very existence. I've never
been anything other than an artist. 'Exploramus'
was the Manchester High School of Art motto -
and it's one I still follow as the guiding force for
my Art today.

Tell us about your “reflection”series, Where
did the idea of creating reflections came
I guess the 'refections' series began to take
shape in 1995 with 'stepping stones'. [Painting].
Water is a wonderful visual stimulant for the
imagination, to paint it showing the inerrant
transient quality is a challenge for any painter.
I guess I have been painting 'water' since 1987,
when I think about it..
Although the 'reflections' series, as such,
galvanized in 2005 when I spent 3 years living in
isolation and working next to an old waterway

[Canal] in Manchester UK.
The work became a two edged sword, so
to speak. On one edge was the actual visual
reflection, and on the other was the thoughts
and emotions of my life and experiences that
I was reflecting upon at that time. So, to paint

Denis Taylor In The Studio-Feb

Reflections #2- Diptych. Created 2006-2007. 600mm x 1600mm. Oil on canvas. Owned by a collector in London UK.
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