
(Amelia) #1

Ok, Monet for his abstraction
application of paint especially of
water – Dominicos Theotocopulous (El
Greco) for the way he imbues a spiritual
content into his work with absolute
originality and superb color range.
And Mark Rothko, for his sensitivity,
humanity and his beautifully pure
artistic humanist reasoning.

What’s the best piece of advice
you’ve been given? It was many years
ago, by a very wise and gentle man in
Manchester, UK, who said to me that
...“ there is no Money in Art.”

  • (Sic: money should follow Art, and
    not visa versa).

What wouldn’t you do without?
The love, understanding and patience
of my wife and my whole family.

Thank you Denis for this excellent
interview, Best wishes for success
and creativity.

Reflections #7. Created 2009.
800mm x 600mm,
Oil on canvas.
Artists collection.

Reflections #4 (night) Created 2007.
600 x 800mm Oil on canvas.
Artists collection.

contact Denis Taylor
Personal website:
e-mail: [email protected]
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