
(Amelia) #1

Each year The European Fine
Art Fair, (TEFAF) the World’s
Greatest Art and Antique Fair
takes place in Maastricht, The
Netherlands. The organizers of
this prestigious event, where
7,000 years of human creativity
are displayed, choose a number
of young dealers to participate
in the fair.
These are exceptionally
talented new dealers whose
galleries have been in operation
less than ten years. They are a
group of people who will be
introduced to the 75,000 visitors
that are expected during the
ten days of the fair’s duration.
This is considered a reward for
excellence in their chosen fields
and an opportunity to become
long-term participants in the
For 2016, five galleries have
been chosen:

Kunstconsult of the
Netherlands specializes in art
nouveau, art Deco, modernism
and 20th century design
including furniture, textiles,
sculpture and painting.

Onno van Seggelen Fine
Arts of the Netherlands has
developed an expertise in
master drawings from the 16th
to the 20th centuries.

Benjamin Proust Fine Art
Limited of the UK exhibits
sculpture from antiquity to the
20th century with an emphasis
on Renaissance and baroque
Galerie Laurent Dodier of
France with a focus on tribal

Oscar Graf Gallery of France
deals with French, British and
American furniture and works
of art from 1870 to 1910, a
period that marks the birth of
modern design.

Their stories are as interesting
as the works that have become
their passion. By shedding
light on their journeys and by
sharing their insights of living,
studying art and becoming
dealers, we believe, can light
the fire of enthusiasm of future
collectors or fan the flames
of those already making the

Belinda Visser of Kunsconsult’s
interest in art goes back to her
childhood. She was fortunate
to grow up in a district where
beautiful architecture was
all around her. There was a
magnetism of the organic style
of this. The architecture of her
prewar neighborhood was a
magnetic presence and a feast

Abraham Rutgers - De Rommelpot
van Hoorn 1

“An art dealer is a very
lazy man who works
24 hours a day, and
a billionaire without
a penny in his pocket”.

  • Nicolas Landau

TEFAF Showcase Kunstconsult
20th century art objects showroom.
Amstelveen with Art Deco study
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