
(Amelia) #1

for the eyes.... If one chose to notice.
Curved window frames with zigzagging
rods, curved brick facades with their
projecting shades, stone monsters that
adorned bridges and doorways were
enigmatic and in the words of Einstein
provided her with beautiful mysterious

Contrary to what might be expected of
an art dealer, she did not come from
an artistic family. Her father worked
as a window cleaner for some of the
best antiques shops in Amsterdam
in the Spiegelstraat area. As soon as
she turned eighteen, she wanted to
apprentice at an Art Deco gallery.
In her own words, she dreamt of an
opportunity to start her apprenticeship
in art. Her collecting started when she
was fifteen, buying at flea markets
to decorate her living spaces. The
mystery that had caught her eye as a
child returned through the process of
spotting beautifully designed objects
among hundreds of the more common
ones. It did not have anything to do
with knowledge of art at that moment; rather something told
her that she had found a special piece. The influence of those
20th century architectural elements of her neighborhood
made the selection of her specialty a natural evolution. The
decorative arts of the 20th century became her specialty and

She began to deal with art as a business, together
with her business partner Wiljan Versteeg, and it
was a gradual transition from her occupation
as a journalist and consultant. Her “good eye”
had already confirmed that she could identify
valuable and important objects at flea markets.
The breakthrough came during the successful
participation at PAN Amsterdam (the most
important national Art & Antiques Fair in the
Netherlands). The Gallery became her full time
occupation and her dream of dealing with
beautiful objects on a daily basis was realized.

Onno van Seggelen’s interest in art began with his
exposure to antique medical books while studying
medicine at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.
His serious focus on art began in 2003 as a result
of a History of Medicine course taught by Professor Van
Lieburg. What he saw represented in antique medical
books had the power to start his art journey. The mystery
of art appeared to him through antique printed books. He
found out that the seeds planted by those observations
made through antique printed material were giving him

TEFAF Showcase. Kunstconsult 20th
Century Art Object Portait Of Belinda
Visser and Wiljan Versteeg with
Amsterdam School furniture by
Michel De Klerk

Michel de Klerk. Amsterdam School
tea cabinet. exhibited at Art Deco
Exhibition 1925 Paris collection
Kunstconsult 20th century art
objects photo by Erik & Petra
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