
(Grace) #1
2/2014 25

working with young people and
asylum seekers, as well as holding
events with the Trades UnionCon-
gress and members of the royal fam-
ily. He became bishop of Durham,
one of the most seniorpositions in the
Church of England, in 2011, and just
a year later, was nominated to the
Church’s highest role.
As might be expected of a modern
church leader, Welby has a blog and
a Twitter account. His Twitter hash-
tag is @ABCJustin and he refers to
himself not as Archbishop Welby but
as Archbishop Justin. His daughter
Katherine joked on Twitter about his
appointment: “So this makes me
ABCD[aughter]? I always wanted a

Welby’s son Peter playfullyques-
tioned the Church’s wisdom in
appointing tothe archbishop of Can-
terbury’s position “a man who [has]
only been a bishop of any kind a
year”. However, the nominating com-
mission regarded Welby’s business
background as an advantage that
outweighedhis inexperience. It re-
mains to be seen whether he will be
able to improve the Church’s finances
as well as bring harmony to the
world’s 77 million Anglicans, who are
deeply divided on issuessuch as ho-
mosexuality and women bishops.
In the meantime, however, Welby
has been speaking out onsubjects
close to his heart, including welfare
reformand the role of banks. He was

adjustment Umstellung
appointment Ernennung
appoint sb. to sth. jmdn. für etw.
[E(pOInt tu] ernennen
asylum seeker Asylant(in)
[E(saIlEm )si:kE]
billion [(bIljEn] Milliarde(n)
church hall [(tS§:tS hO:l] Gemeindesaal
credit union Volksbank
[(kredIt )ju:niEn]
curate [(kjUErEt] Vikar(in)
default [di(fO:lt] Zahlungsverzug;
hier: -ausfall
descendant [di(sendEnt] Nachfahre/-fahrin
embarrassed [Im(bÄrEst] beschämt
entitled: be ~ to sth. ein Anrecht auf
[In(taIt&ld] etw. haben
evidence [(evIdEns] Beleg(e)
exit strategy Ausstiegsstrategie
[(eksIt )strÄtEdZi]
exploit sb.[Iks(plOIt] jmdn. ausbeuten
fundraising Mittelbeschaffung
interest rate Zinssatz
[(IntrEst reIt]
issue [(ISu:] Frage, Thema
Law of Return Rückkehrgesetz
[)lO: Ev ri(t§:n]
lender[(lendE] Darlehensgeber(in)
loan[lEUn] Darlehen
outweigh sth. mehr Gewicht als
[)aUt(weI] etw. (anderes)
payday[(peIdeI] Zahltag
pension fund Pensionsfonds
[(penS&n fVnd]
senior [(si:niE] hochrangig
speak out on sth. offen zu etw. seine
[)spi:k (aUt Qn] Meinung sagen
trades union Gewerkschaft
[)treIdz (ju:niEn] UK
welfare reform Sozialhilfereform
[(welfeE ri)fO:m]

allowed to set up business in church
halls. Welby later said he was embar-
rassedto learn that the Church of
England pension fundhad invested
indirectly in a firm that had led
Wonga’s 2009 fundraisingcampaign.
The Church invested about £75,000
in the firm; its pension fund is worth
a total of £5 billion(about €6 billion),
according to Reuters.
The archbishop and his family are
still getting used to life in the official
residence, Lambeth Palace, in Lon-
don. “Jesus didn’t live in a palace,”
Welby told The Guardian. “In fact,
there is a lot of evidencethat the sort
of people who did live in palaces
tended to want to kill him. I remem-
ber as a curatewe had five children
and the two of us, and a youth work-
er — all in a three-bedroom house.
We could happily have used this place
then. It wasn’t on offer.”

In the unlikely event that the
adjustment proves too difficult,
The Times of Israelhas suggested an
exit strategy. Describing Welby as
“the first ‘Jewish’ Archbishop of Can-
terbury”, the newspaper says that
Welby can always retire to Israel.
“[A]s a descendantof a Jewish father
and grandfather, he is entitledto citi-
zenship under the Law of Return,”
the newspaper points out.

For more information
Anglican Church worldwide:
Archbishop of Canterbury’s official
Church of England:

highly critical of payday lenderslike
Wonga, which provide small loans at
extremely high interest rates, recom-
mending instead that credit unionsbe

Margaret Davisis the editor of the
Careers and Global Business sec-
tions of Business Spotlight. Contact:

Payday lendersare companies that give loans
that are supposed to be repaid on the borrow-
er’s next payday. Such loans are normally much
smaller than those provided by banks. They also
carry very high interest rates. Critics of such
lenders say that they exploitpeople on low in-
comes. The lenders themselves say that they
charge high interest rates because of the high
defaultrate on repayment.


Getty Images

Working: Welby at the
christening of Prince George

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